Beyoncé created a scholarship only for female students

Who runs the world? Girls! Who else? Beyoncé.

For LEMONADE’s one-year anniversary, Beyoncé, announced on her website that she will award scholarships to driven young female college students.

But who is eligible?

All the lucky women studying arts, music, literature or African-American studies during the 2017-2018 school year at Berklee College of Music, Howard University, Parsons School of Design, and Spelman College will be eligible for the “Formation Scholars” program.
But it gets tricky….because only one woman per school will be chosen.
According to Queen Bey‘s website, the “Formation Scholars” award was created “to encourage and support young women who are unafraid to think outside the box and are bold, creative, conscious and confident”.

Get ready to get in formation !


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